Health Workers

Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit: Designing Evidence-Based Incentives for Health Workers

Rapid Retention Survey ToolkitThe Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit is designed to help countries determine what would motivate health workers to accept and remain in rural posts. It builds on the World Health Organization global policy recommendations for rural retention and is based on the discrete choice experiment (DCE), a powerful research method that identifies the trade-offs professionals are willing to make between specific job characteristics and determines their preferences for various incentive packages, including the probability of accepting a post in a rural facility. Employing a simplified version of the DCE methodology, the toolkit guides HR managers through the survey process to quickly assess health students’ and health workers’ motivational preferences to accept a position and continue working in underserved facilities. The results can be used to create evidence-based incentive packages that are appropriate within a country’s health labor market. Read more »

Sélection d’outils de CapacityPlus en français à l’intention des effectifs sanitaires

CapacityPlus possède un large éventail d’outils disponibles en français. Un nouveau document en donne un aperçu en compilant les outils et les documents de références produits par CapacityPlus et destinés au personnel de santé avec de brèves descriptions et des liens permettant d’accéder aux versions en ligne.

Designing Evidence-Based Incentive Strategies for Health Worker Retention

Many countries struggle to attract and retain sufficient numbers and types of health workers to provide quality services in rural and remote areas. Ministries of health often rely on external partners to develop the evidence base for formulating retention strategies, use less rigorous methodologies, or forego data altogether when making policy decisions. Presented at the Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Beijing on November 1, 2012, this poster describes two new tools—the Rapid Retention Survey Toolkit and the iHRIS Retain costing tool for retention interventions—and related results from Ministry of Health surveys in Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Uganda.

Successes and Challenges: Implementing Health Workforce Strengthening Interventions in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania

Human resources for health (HRH) is a relatively young field. As such, less is known about how to successfully implement health workforce interventions than is known about other types of health interventions (e.g., service delivery) with a longer history of implementation. Presented at the Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Beijing on November 2, 2012, this poster describes results from a qualitative study with staff from USAID-funded HRH projects in Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania led by IntraHealth International, which was conducted in recognition of the need for a more systematic approach to understanding the challenges and success factors in implementing HRH interventions.

Intégration des services de planification familiale et de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA : Réflexions sur le personnel de santé

Ce résumé technique évalue un ensemble de données probantes relatives à la manière dont les agents de santé prennent part à l’intégration des services de planification familiale et de lutte contre le VIH et livre quelques réflexions essentielles sur le personnel de santé impliqué dans ce processus, peu importe le modèle d’intégration choisi.

Selected Health Workforce Tools from CapacityPlus

This overview compiles selected tools and resources for the global health workforce from CapacityPlus, and includes brief descriptions and links to online versions. A related overview presents tools and resources that are available in French.

Keeping Up to Date: Continuing Professional Development for Health Workers in Developing Countries

In order for health workers to provide quality care and meet their communities’ changing health care needs, they must become lifelong learners dedicated to updating their professional knowledge, skills, values, and practice. This technical brief summarizes the literature concerning current best practices and innovative ideas in continuing professional development (CPD). It is targeted toward people who run or advise CPD programs.

Access the interactive version or the PDF. Also read the related news. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.

iHRIS Retain

iHRIS Retain is an open source tool to cost health worker retention interventions. People living in rural and remote areas need more skilled health workers to care for their communities. However, attracting and retaining health workers to serve in these areas is a challenge. Developed by CapacityPlus in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), iHRIS Retain is based on the WHO’s 2010 global policy recommendations on retention, which offer guidance on the different interventions in the areas of education, regulation, financial incentives, and professional development that can increase access to health workers in remote and rural areas through improved retention. iHRIS Retain guides users through the costing process step by step, collecting necessary data, calculating the costs of interventions, and comparing costs to available funding. The resulting information can then be used to develop retention strategies at the district, regional, or national level.

Read the related news. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.

Integrating Family Planning and HIV/AIDS Services: Health Workforce Considerations

Governments and the global health community are increasingly paying attention to maximizing and measuring impact through service delivery integration efforts. In family planning/HIV service integration, for example, benefits include increased access to both types of services, improved quality of care, and enhanced program effectiveness. While it takes health workers to deliver these services, most of the evaluations of service integration models have largely ignored health workers as an input to, or output of, integrated service delivery. This technical brief assesses the evidence on the role of health workers in the integration of family planning and HIV services and discusses key health worker considerations when integrating these services.
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Achieving Excellence in the Supply Chain Workforce: The People that Deliver Global Partnership

CapacityPlus hosted an event, Achieving Excellence in the Supply Chain Workforce: The People that Deliver Global Partnership, at the XIX International AIDS Conference. The event highlighted the efforts of the People that Deliver global partnership, a global coalition working to improve the health supply chain workforce in developing countries. Recordings of all the presentations and the discussion session are available for health workforce leaders and others to learn from. Users are invited to continue the conversation.

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